Tig Vs. Mig Vs. Stick

Tig Vs. Mig Vs. Stick

When it comes to picking between MIG, TIG and stick, it's not an exclusive relationship. However, learning to master a single method can take a significant amount of time, equipment and energy. Kno...
How To Dab

How To Dab

2017 saw the rise of a nightmarish dance move known as the “dab”. To be very clear, that’s not what we’re talking about. Dabbing in the welding world is one of the most common techniques used for T...
Can You Walk The Cup?

Can You Walk The Cup?

  What’s the point? It’s a serious question. Is walking the cup like a suit tie, a fancy-looking piece of fabric that serves no function other than to embarrassingly attract stains? Is it all just ...
Strange & Exciting Trends In Welding

Strange & Exciting Trends In Welding

You could write a college dissertation on the interesting trends taking place in welding right now. On one end, there’s a big push for better technology. Less buttons, more screens. Less switches,...
So, Why Do People Like The Square Wave Tig 200?

So, Why Do People Like The Square Wave Tig 200?

We know what you’re thinking. How can a wave also be a square and still be called a wave. Shouldn’t it be called the Lincoln Paradox TIG 200? Well, my observant reader, here’s why the Square Wave ...
Staff Spotlight: Nate’s Favorite Welder

Staff Spotlight: Nate’s Favorite Welder

Nate has been working in the welding industry for more than half of his life. He’s currently our Head of Customer Service & Order Management for the eCommerce Department. When he’s not talkin...
Stick Vs. Mig Vs. Tig: Which Process Is Right For You?

Stick Vs. Mig Vs. Tig: Which Process Is Right For You?

We all know the importance of selecting the right tool for the job. When it comes to welding, the process you choose is every bit as important as the tools themselves. Different metals will require...