
Buying Bible: March 2020

Let’s lay it out, plain and simple. Things are a little up in the air right now as far as world events are concerned. What you need is a solid source of buying advice from a company that knows the industry. We’ve put together this guide to help you make the smartest decisions of where and when to buy during March 2020.


Respirators Are a Hot Item

There are a lot more people than normal buying respirators right now. If you need a respirator and/or filters for welding, it'd be smart to stock up. The last thing you want is to be dumping your exhaust fumes into your lungs. This is especially true if you’re welding any type of galvanized steel. Even stainless steel produces toxic fumes that can cause major issues without proper protection and ventilation.

Bottom line: if you use a respirator, play it safe and make sure you’ve got a small stockpile in case supply runs thin.


Take Advantage of Miller’s Promotions Now

Miller’s Winter Build with Blue promotion is planned to end March 31st. At the same time, a new price increase is expected to hit in order to adjust for inflation. It should also be noted that Miller isn’t currently planning a large promotion to replace Build with Blue after March 31st. If you’ve become accustomed to back-to-back Miller sales, it’s time to take advantage of these savings now.

This means if you’re going Miller, right now is your best opportunity. The current Build with Blue also features some of their top machines. The Multimatic 215 is one of the most reliable multi-process machines on the market (unless you’re planning to TIG weld aluminum, then we recommend the Multimatic 220). There are also deals on the Millermatic 255, Bobcats, Helmets, the Diversion 180 and more.

Burn And Earn with ESAB

Right now, ESAB is a big question mark. In order to adjust for inflation, we might see price increases coming soon but as far as their promotions, only time will tell. That being said, why take the risk? If you’ve been eyeballing a fine ESAB machine to take home and make your own, now’s your best chance.

With Burn and Earn, get a rebate up to $200 or a free gear pack (worth $250). Eligible machines include the much-loved Rebel EMP 285ic, 235ic (MIG-only), 215ic (MIG-only) and multiple Cutmaster models.

For Lincoln Fans

If you vote Lincoln in every election, there are some serious reasons you might want to purchase now versus later. Unfortunately, Lincoln’s supply chain has been hit right where it counts and all their biggest promotions have ended. We’ve seen this before when Lincoln’s rockstar of a machine, the Square Wave TIG 200, was taken off the market for a very brief time because of supply shortages.

If you’ve been looking at a new Lincoln machine, now’s probably the best chance. There are plenty of die-hards willing to spend a little extra cash, meaning the demand is only going to go up while the supply is ultimately a big fat question mark.

What we do know for sure about Lincoln is their price increases are expected to hit April 1st. If you’re hoping to get the best deal, it’s one more reason that now is the time to act.

Where to Buy?

With supply problems on certain consumables, machines and equipment, big box stores are going to jack up their prices (which are usually already quite high). Now, more than ever, it’s time to start thinking about buying online. Here at IOC, we offer the very best prices. But more than that, we’ve got the most reliable customer service in the industry with specialists who take pride in being the best welding site on earth. Click here to check out all our current promotions and more.