miller’s pipeworx 400

A Complete Review of Miller’s PipeWorx 400

Sometimes, you can just tell a product was made by someone who didn’t actually think about using the item. The infamous example is scissors that come in a package that requires scissors to open. Mi...
welding hazards

The Welding Hazards No One Talks About

Howard had been welding for more than a decade. But tonight, he was at home, watching a movie with his wife on the couch. In the movie, a background character picked up a welding torch and struck a...
plasma cuts

The Right Way to Start Your Plasma Cuts

“Plasma cutting” and “good plasma cutting” are two entirely different things. “Plasma cutting” is almost as simple as not pointing the nozzle at your face and pulling the trigger. But plasma cuttin...
square wave tig 200

The Ultimate Review of the Square Wave TIG 200

Flagships: Some people think they’re just cursed. The Titanic was the flagship meant to change how we traveled the seas. The Hindenberg was a flagship meant to change how we traveled the skies. So ...
Sparking Inspiration: Spring Welding Projects To Brighten Your Space

Sparking Inspiration: Spring Welding Projects To Brighten Your Space

As the flowers bloom and the weather warms up, it's the perfect time to get creative with your welding projects. Whether you're a seasoned welder or just starting out, there are plenty of exciting ...
Water & Welding: What the Heck Is Hydroforming?

Water & Welding: What the Heck Is Hydroforming?

Think of the ultimate example of power, strength and unmoving force. What comes to mind? Maybe a bulldozer with rocket jets? Or a rhinoceros that can shoot lasers out of its eyes? What about… water...
Getting Rewards and Free Welding Gear

Getting Rewards and Free Welding Gear

Any of you financially savvy welders know there’s no such thing as a free lunch. So how can Welding Supplies from IOC just give away free gear and discounts with their rewards program? How does tha...
What Does It Actually Mean to Be A Journeyman?

What Does It Actually Mean to Be A Journeyman?

How about them job titles? It feels like half the positions you hear are heavily exaggerated these days. And to be honest, it might have always been that way. In the 1400s, the king had a special s...
Before Prices Go Up: Best Machines of 2023

Before Prices Go Up: Best Machines of 2023

Look, we totally agree: Price increases suck. Inflation makes costs go up, resulting in almost all welding manufacturers generally increasing prices on machines and equipment at the beginning of ea...